Horse Health: The Case Against Stalling

There are many reasons why a horse is stalled. Most of them are fallacious. (based on a mistaken belief. synonyms: erroneous, false, untrue, wrong, incorrect, flawed, inaccurate, mistaken, misinformed, misguided). Horses are herd animals. They experience psychological insecurity when removed or isolated from other herd members. This can lead to instability of temperament and the… Read More Horse Health: The Case Against Stalling

Horse Problems: Controlling a Stallion Around Mares

There are a couple of situations where a stallion is a better performer than a gelding. I think particularly of Spanish “dancing” horses, Lippizaners, etc. They perform many maneuvers that take tremendous back-muscles. Generally only a stallion can perform them to perfection. However, in almost all other activities, testosterone is a liability. Many people want… Read More Horse Problems: Controlling a Stallion Around Mares